Best mac cleaning app 2018
Best mac cleaning app 2018best mac cleaning app 2018

For it, we produced seven extra episodes of AppStories that were released in the span of one week, which kept me in front of my Mac recording and editing for long periods of late May through June. The second factor was our MacStories coverage of the App Store’s tenth anniversary.

#Best mac cleaning app 2018 1080p#

It was a big step up from the 23-inch 1080p one I had before and, combined with a VESA arm, improved working at my Mac substantially. The first was the 27-inch LG 4K display I bought in January. Three events led me to work on my Mac more in 2018. Instead, I concluded that 2018 would be the year to improve the way I already work by refining existing workflows and reevaluating how I get things done, including on the Mac. There’s a natural tendency to take on everything that crosses your path when you go out on your own, but I’ve seen too many people fall into that trap in the past. With the number of new things I took on in 2017 and the transition to indie life, I made the conscious decision to step back and settle into my new life. As the year came to a close, I was exploring what that meant for the way I work on the Mac. Last year when I wrote about my must-have Mac apps, I was coming off a tumultuous year that started with a daily commute into Chicago for my old job and ended with me working from home.

Best mac cleaning app 2018